County Council Elections

Every 4 years there is an election for all 78 county councillors.

Each county councillor represents a different area of Hertfordshire. It's their job to represent the interests of local residents in their area.

Most recent elections:

County Council election results


Election Notices

Register to vote

You need to be registered to vote in UK elections and referendums. If you haven't registered, About my Vote has information about why you should vote and how and where to vote. You can register to vote on GOV.UK

Become a county councillor

County councillors make decisions about services we provide, oversee how the services are run and represent the interests of people in their area.

Find out how councillors support their communities on the be a councillor website.

The Electoral Commission provide guidance and resources for candidates.

Notice of verification number

Under the Local Government Act 2000 The Local Authorities (Referendums) (Petitions) (England) Regulations 2011, we are required to publish how many signatures of registered voters are required on a petition, which would require the council to hold a referendum on changing its model of governance. This figure is known as the verification number.

Verification number for Hertfordshire.